Research findings suggest that children diagnosed with ADHD have abnormal brain electrical activity that may result in symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity. EEG biofeedback—also called neurofeedback—is a specialized kind of biofeedback that uses computers and advanced brain wave analysis to normalize abnormal electrical brain activity with the goal of diminishing the cognitive and behavioral symptoms of ADHD. One kind of EEG biofeedback, called sensori-motor rhythm (SMR) training, reinforces brain activity in the faster “beta” frequency range of brain electrical activity and is used to reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Another EEG biofeedback approach, called theta suppression, has the goal of reducing brainwave activity in the slower “theta” frequency range and is mainly used to treat symptoms of inattention. Many controlled studies comparing EEG biofeedback to a stimulant medication report positive effects and normalization of brain electrical activity following several EEG biofeedback sessions. These findings are promising however they are also limited because most studies on EEG biofeedback as a treatment of ADHD are small, lack a control group and don’t use standardized outcome measures to evaluate the response to treatment.
To learn more about EEG biofeedback and other non-pharmacologic treatments of ADHD and how to use them safely and effectively to treat your ADHD symptoms or those of your child, read my recently published e-book, ADHD–the Integrative Mental Health Solution.